Vid konstmusikvärldens kanske mest prestigefulla gala, Gramophone Classical Music Awards, som avhölls i London den 4 oktober, blev BIS Records vinnare i kategorin Label of the Year.

Tidskriften Gramophone skriver om sitt val:
– Rare is the month when, sitting down with colleagues to discuss the recordings in contention for being named Editor’s Choices, multiple albums from BIS aren’t prominent in the conversation. The roster of artists who contribute so beautifully, and so regularly, to the Swedish label’s treasurable catalogue is among the finest to be found.

– But what really stands out is just how personal each release feels – the exploratory choice of repertoire, the perfect partnerships between musicians. Listening to a BIS album feels like being a privileged witness to creativity at its most inspired and inspiring. Or, for that matter, like sitting in the best seat in the house, such is BIS’s commitment to the very highest possible quality of recorded sound (including surround sound).

Köptes av Apple Music

I september i år köptes BIS upp av Apple Music för en okänd köpeskilling. Men personalen, inklusive grundaren Robert von Bahr finns kvar i verksamheten.

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