Nu är den redigerade versionen av filmen, där nio svenska orkestrar spelar en populär ukrainsk sång, klar för visning.

Sången heter Ridna Maty Moya (Dearest Mother of mine) och är skriven av den ukrainske kompositören Platon Maiboroda. Ursprungligen som musik till den sovjetiska filmen Young Years från 1958.

Du kan se den på Facebook-sidan för tankesmedjan Unga Tankar om Musik ›

De spelar

Gävle Symfoniorkester

GöteborgsOperans orkester, Sergej Bolkhovets, dirigent

Göteborgs Symfoniker, Ingar Bergby, dirigent

Helsingborgs Symfoniorkester, Gudrun Dahlkvist, dirigent

MalmöOperans orkester, Gudrun Dahlkvist, dirigent

Musica Vitae, Växjö

Kungl Filharmonikerna, Marie Rosenmir, dirigent

Hovkapellet, Oleksandr Yankevych, dirigent

Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester, Tobias Ringborg, dirigent

Ridna Maty Moya – engelsk översättning

My beloved dear mother, you did not sleep through out the night
And you had led me out to the field near by the village
And there onto a distant road way beneath the stars you
accompanied me, to see me off,
And a towel – embroidered for a good fate you had given to me. 

And there onto a distant road way beneath the stars you
accompanied me, to see me off,
And a towel – embroidered for a good fate you had given to me. 

Let there on it bloom and flourish a wide path,
And the green meadows and the nightingale groves
And your dear faithful motherly precious and affectionate smile
And your tender yet sorrowful beautiful bright blue eyes. 

And your dear faithful motherly precious and affectionate smile
And your tender yet sorrowful beautiful bright blue eyes. 

I shall then take that towel, I’ll lay it out as if it be my fate
In the quiet rustling of grasses, there in the whispering groves,
And on that very towel everything familiar will painfully come back to life
– And my childhood, our separation, and your faithful motherly love. 

And on that very towel everything familiar will painfully come back to life
– And my childhood, our separation, and your faithful motherly love.

Efter en dikt av Andriy Malyshko


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